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南京益能环境工程有限公司2025-01-09 16:25:24【娱乐】8人已围观
简介We call the Yellow River our Mother River and we alo ee the Chang, jiang River a our Father River in 小堂账号升级服务
We call the Yellow River our Mother River and 为们sehuatang代下we alo ee the Chang, jiang River a our Father River ince thee two river are the ource of the civilization of Chinee people. Our remote ancetor lived along the river, o both river have witneed the growth of Chinee people and they are our valuable heritage. My childhood i cloely aociated with the Changjiang River.
When I wa young,作文 my father often took me to the riveride wa alway truck by the beautiful cenery of the river. The water wa pure, clean and blue. Some bird flew down, craped the water and roared up uddenly and ome gra floated in the water quietly. Looking into the ditance, I aw the river wandering toward the eat. However, after the thundertorm, the water wa turbulent with ome whirl in the middle of the river freh breeze gave my face a feeling of moiture. Even today I till remember the magnificent cene and the impreive feeling.
Some unpleaant change have taken place ince then. Many hill alongide the river have become bald. More and more mud and dut are being wahed down into the river each year. Woretill, driven by economic profit, ome factorie keep pouring pollutant into the river. Luckily people have been awakened to their obligation.
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